Already Own April: Flaunt What You Got

Back in August I challenged myself to a no-spend month of living and decorating. I dubbed it "Already Own August" to give myself some motivation to work with what I had, thus achieving two things - saving moolah, and actually checking off my to do list. Well, here we are, at another "A" month, so it's only fitting to implement an "Already Own April". Granted, I did get rid of a lot of my "projects in the making" junk that I was hoarding in my garage last month, but I still kept a few things that will certainly keep me busy during my shopping draught (I hid them from the hubby in random crevices all over the house. He thinks we fully purged; we did not.... mwah ha ha ha ha!)

The best projects I have coming up are not inspired by Pinterest picks, so I don't have any inspiration photos to tease you with. Let's just say that almost everything involves a can of spray paint and many custom labels.... we all know that labels make my world go round, right?

Anyways, I'm not savvy enough to figure out a link party, but I wanted to invite you to link back to projects using things you already own in the comments section. It doesn't have to be on this post; it can be on any "AOA" post, and can be whatever you feel like sharing.

My self-imposed rules for my own AOA are as follows:

  • Must use things I already own except for the occasional small thing I may need to complete the project (certain supplies I don't have on hand etc.)
  • Must be something functional and that can be used in my home and not just a makeover for the sake of a makeover.
  • Must complete at least one project a week, for a total of at least 4 free projects.

Alright, let's go create with things we have on hand! Fun fun fun!

And, a little off topic, you may be surprised to see a blog without a stitch of Easter decorating. I appreciate all the fun Easter mantles and tablescapes out there to a certain point, but despite what my close friends and family would assume, I'm not much of a holiday decorator. I know, I know, tisk tisk. I do love decorating for Christmas, but that's about it. I just find other holidays too short lived to be worth the money and effort to decorate them. Plus, I just find a lot of the heavily themed stuff a little, dare I say it, tacky (not to mention you need to store all that seasonal decor the rest of the year). Eeeek, somewhere I am pissing someone off, and I'm truly sorry! I guarantee you when I have kids, I will totally be decorating up an Easter storm, but for now I prefer to channel my decorating dollars and energy into things I can enjoy all year long. Now spring flowers, well, that I can handle!


  1. I hear ya on the Easter decorating. I do Christmas and own a handful of "fall" items that I put out. That's as far as I go! Who are all of these people with enough storage space for holiday decorations! And how do I get some?

    1. I know I certainly don't have the space! Or at least don't want to dedicate my storage to items that make an appearance two days a year!

  2. I totally understand about the seasonal decorating. I didn't even own a single Halloween decoration until last year, and I only bought them because my son kept asking me where our skeletons and bats were! And I agree about the tackiness factor....there is a TON of crap put there! Much rather spend my money on something worthwhile;)

  3. THANK YOU!! I can let go of my non-Easter decorating guilt!! And I love the challenge. Might start it late when i get home!


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