Designing a Home | Finding a Style

Just 16 more days until we are into the new house. Excited doesn't even begin to capture how we're feeling. But, as the move in date creeps up, as does my self-imposed timeline to figure out how to decorate this blank canvas.

This layout below is very similar to ours (just cut the island in half, take out the coffered ceilings and the beefy trim.. oh and almost everything else! But you get the idea).

What I love about this photo is that it's not pigeon holed into a style. The cabinets and mouldings and door style are all very traditional, yet the furniture is modern and simple. It's the definition of transitional design, and it's what I'm hoping to achieve with our home.

Although the style below is pretty far from my own, I'm including it as a reminder for me to inject some colour in my space. I usually gravitate towards neutrals but look how happy this space is! I just love it.

The opposite of colourful, the style below blends so many textures that it conveys warmth in a different way (let's be honest, I probably won't inject much colour and will end up with more neutrals no matter how hard I try).

 I've always loved a little art deco or hollywood regency glam. It doesn't need to be done throughout nor overwhelming to make an impact.

But, I also love the modern, clean line of this condo design. Do you see what I'm going here?

And this space is just to.die.for.

Okay, if you're still with me you've probably acknowledged that I have design ADD and I love about a million different things and styles. Hence why we are 16 days out and I'm still agonizing how to tackle the house. SO much pressure on myself to make it perfect. Right now, I'm just hoping to get our stuff in there and take it one day at a time. It's hard to know what to do with a space unless you'd lived in it, right?

If you have, how did you figure out your "style"? HELP!


  1. Figuring out my style has been an interesting journey. When I lived alone, my studio apartment was white-everything: white walls, white furniture, white linens. I loved this look and will continue to inject it into my personal areas of my new apartment with my boyfriend (we're moving tomorrow!). Luckily we have a similar aesthetic - clean, modern, and I love the elements he adds - the darker wood, more masculine furniture lines, etc. Together we'll be able to work out a style that works for the both of us... but only through a lot of trial and error. And perhaps looking at blogs like yours and pinning what we both like :)

  2. Loving the top photo and hope you share photos once you're all settled. Finding a style is hard. I feel like mine is always changing. Perfect example is trying to decorate the nursery. Seems so simple, but seriously struggling here.


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