Twenty Eight

Monday was my 28th birthday. Twenty eight on the twenty eighth. I think it's referred to as a champagne birthday, no? I planned on having some champers that night but ended up feeling not so great after work. I did have an excellent day, though, and was truly and utterly spoiled by all. Perhaps more than any other birthday.

Friday night we headed over to my parents house for a delish dinner made by my little brother the chef and some pickle ball in the backyard. My parents were in Bermuda and my brother left on Saturday to meet them in NYC so my birthday festivities were all in advance. Yes, I was left at home in rainy Vancouver while the rest of my family was in sunny New York City. 

On Sunday, two of my girlfriends popped into work with prezzies and balloons. Such sweethearts and know how to make a girl feel loved!

I also got my hair done... finally! Excuse the self portrait, but I was very excited to finally have some layers and some new highlights for the summer (when it gets here). I rarely get my hair done because sitting still and doing nothing for 4 hours drives me bonkers. My days off are valuable to me, and wasting half of one away in a salon chair is not my idea of fun. This time, however, I had a very captivating novel to read on my iPad, so after I excused myself to my stylist, I read away and the appointment was over before I knew it!

My always adorable hubby could not wait until my birthday to give me my presents, so a week before my birthday he gave me a gorgeous new handbag (I should have taken a pic- she's pretty!) as well as a wine aerator (I've been wanting one for ages and so happy to finally have one). And, as I posted about last week, he painted our bedroom! No more builders beige! Now it's an earthy, moody grey and I can't wait to get to decorating the rest of the room.

I have been lusting over mint watches for a while now. I saw some to.die.for ones online made by a (Swedish?) company called Tiwari. Alas, they no longer sell them on their website, and I was unable to locate them anywhere on the interwebs. I did, however, see this one on Pinterest, and when I followed the link through, guess where it brought me! Tar Jay! Oh yay! A mint watch AND it's affordable. Saweeet! Unfortunately it's not available online, but I still asked for it for my birthday. My sweet baby bro jumped in his car the same day and made the hour long trip to the states in hopes that they had them in stock, and they did! Wippee! I was beyond shocked to open the gift up and find he had actually bought it. The colour is even better in person than pictured on their website as well.

And from the hubby and the in-laws, I was SO happy to get my Silhouette Cameo! I haven't set her up yet but I can't wait for my next day off to see what I can create!

And when my parents returned from their NYC trip last night, they surprised me with not one, but TWO new watches to add to my collection. My collection that just started about a month ago. But I'm having fun collecting them and learning to accessorize with them. I now have rose gold, mint, white, dark teal and silver. 

And I also received a bunch of gift cards and cash as well that will really help me make a dent in our bedroom design. I really can't wait to show you what I've got in mind!




  1. Sounds like you had a great birthday! Your hair looks great, and the mint watch is to die for! Happy Belated Birthday from the Smith Family :)

  2. Happy belated b'day! I just had my 27 on the 27th.
    I am really excited for your paint choice - we just bought our first house and I can't wait to get in there and PAINT! And that color you chose is exactly what I was thinking for the master.
    I'm glad you had a great day with lots of loved ones :)

    1. Happy Champagne birthday fellow Gemini! And congrats on the new house! So so exciting! We waited so long to paint each room and it is so very satisfying to paint! I will definitely post about our bedroom painting experience, because I'm now sort of wishing we went lighter. But dark grey it will stay, and I will make it work!

  3. Happy belated birthday lady!! Sounds like it was an absolutely fabulous one. Loving the watches and can't wait to see what you have in store in the decor department!

    1. Thanks Annie! Hoping to get some decor/organizing stuff this week!

  4. I LOVE your jewelry! Where do you buy your bracelets?

    1. Thanks Shelly! The LV bracelet was a gift- the others, I made! I am still trying to get my jewelry sorted and will post some on etsy one day! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi Jen, I love the colored "chain link" bracelets.. where did you get them?


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