One in (Half) a Million

Half a million. Holy cow. If I had a dollar for every single pageview, I could buy half of a house on my street!(if only...)
I don't know if that's a lot of pageviews in blogland. In fact, I'm sure it's not. I'm sure big blogs get that many visits in a week, not in a lifetime. But I don't blog to keep up with the Kardashians big wigs; I blog because it's a great community, and it keeps me on task and helps me finish projects when all I really want to do is hide them in the garage until next year (or until hubby forces me to do something with it before he tosses them to the dump).

Anywhooo, any way I slice it, 500,000 page views is a milestone for me. Although posts date back to early 2011, I feel like I've only "really" been blogging since the beginning of this year. In 2011, this blog was truly truly just my way of journalling my projects, and venting about my desire for white kitchen cabinets. I used it as a way to create memories, by posting photos of our first ever basement suite. I don't even know if I got a comment that year, and if I did it was totally random, and I was more like "Where on earth did you find my excuse for a blog and what are you doing here?".

Long story short, my feature on iHeart Organzing prompted me to blog a little better, mostly because I know that pantry post inspired a lot of people. And, a lot of commenters and pinners seem to think a pantry like mine is insane and unattainable, but if you've gotten to know me at all on this blog, you will know I do not undertake difficult projects. Almost everything I do is cheap and easy, and the pantry is no exception.

I wanted to inspire others to not be afraid to tackle their pantry monsters, and realize that organizing (and labels!) are your best friends forever! I also like to to talk a lot so talking to the internet helps keep me quiet during the day.

This is nothing compared to the awesome stats given by YHL, but for those of you whom are curious, let's break down some stats:
Winner: Maybe not a surprise here, but The Dollar Store Pantry wins by quite a landslide with 131,525 pageviews.

Runner Up: A surprising one. The Moustache Bash with 90,019 pageviews.

WinnerDollar Store Mom - I actually had no idea they featured me until I saw it in my Google stats.

Runners Up: iHeart Organizing, followed by Circle of Moms, and of course many many Pinterest pins

Winner: "Moustache": This would explain how it is my second most popular post. It is my biggest Google hit by a landslide with 24,986 search queries.

Runner Up: "Pantry Organization"

Audience Winner: The United States Of America with 343,768 pageviews

Audience Runners Up: Canada (47,651), UK, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Netherlands and Argentina.

And that's a wrap!

To celebrate, I've got a week of fun coming your way:

A MONSTER of a giveaway prize pack.

Some Thanksgiving FREEBIE labels (still yet to be designed, so tell me if you have a preference- gift tags, banners, printable art?).

A guest post.

My first ever link party.

And some other fun stuff! So stay tuned!

And truly, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for reading! I know I'm not a consistent, daily poster, but I really have fun with this blog and appreciate that you take the time to read it and provide feedback. It is so much fun to have a creative outlet like this, and you all make it worth while!

xo- Jen


  1. wohoo! congrats! I haven't had that many pageviews and i've been blogging for over 3 years!

    1. I chalk it up to luck and Pinterest :)

      Thanks for the congrats!

  2. Yay! That's an impressive milestone! I am not anywhere near that, haha! I love reading your blog and I understand why others do too. :)

  3. Big milestone, congrats, Jen!! I wouldn't sweat the frequency...when you post it's always great fun. You have my devotion as a reader whenever the mood strikes you! Can't wait to see all the fun next week :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer!

      I tried to hatch a plan for more frequent posting, but it just didn't seem natural to me. I don't want to post "just because", and want to actually have something fun to share. Thanks for not making me feel like a lame blogger :)

  4. Congratulations, Jen! I always look forward to what you'll share next and kind of enjoy that it's a surprise - it's more spontaneous that way!

    Next week sounds like it will be a fun one! Can't wait :)

    1. I tried to hatch a plan for more frequent posting, but it just didn't seem natural to me. I don't want to post "just because", and want to actually have something fun to share. Good to hear that you like the spontaneity! It probably isn't changing any time soon!

  5. Holy, that's awesome!! Such a reward for your time :) I love reading your posts so keep 'em comin!!

    1. Thanks! I know, it's sometimes surprising to realize that there are people who actually read it! So weird... Just wish I had more time to do crafty projects to post...darn day job! Lol

  6. Congrats girl!, it's been so fun getting to "know" you! Can't wait to see what the future holds!

    1. Thanks so much Sarah! So happy to have you as a reader! :)

  7. Woo hoo - congratulations on your half a million - no surprise to me - your blog is amazing <3

  8. Congrats!!!! You deserve it! And I think 500,000 is definitely something to be proud of!!

    1. It is certainly exciting for lil ol me! Lol. Thanks for sharing in my excitement!

  9. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that is amazing!!!! And in such a short time too! It will be a long time before I get that many pageviews! You rock and you should be proud of yourself! Super excited for what is to come!

  10. So awesome Jen!!!! Love seeing you celebrate this. I always genuinely enjoy your posts, so its not wonder why you've had so many vistors and commenters and searchers. I love that your posts focus on organization and making things lovely, but you also approach it from a realistic angle. The best of both worlds! Keep it up!

    1. Thanks Annie! IThat's exactly what I'm trying to do! Organized and thoughtful living from a real world perspective!

  11. Congratulations! That's a huge nr!
    I made a link to your site because it's truly inspiring,
    thanks! Maureen x


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